Three Reasons Your Customers Will Appreciate You for Recommending a Smart Engine Block Heater Controller
In cold weather, your customers with diesel motors know that starting them up in the morning is a struggle. An engine block heater can help. But old-school timers on block heaters can overuse electricity because they aren’t smart enough to run only when needed.
1 – Save energy
Newer, more efficient smart engine block controllers are superior to older block heater timers because they use variables such as ambient temperature to know when to operate. This helps reduce block engine warmer run times. When setting preheat times using a block timer alone, one must plan for the worst-case scenario. But smart controllers dynamically adjust schedules for optimal efficiency.
2 – Save time
Smart engine block controllers are easy to install and program. After that is done, less daily labor is needed.
3 – Save money
Energy savings come from not running equipment longer than necessary or when it’s not needed. More savings come from a $125 incentive* available for products found on the qualified product list.
Energy savings come from not running equipment longer than necessary or when it’s not needed. More savings come from a $125 incentive* available for products found on the qualified product list.
Watch this brief video that demonstrates a real-world situation. See how simple the installation is and which equipment can benefit from engine block heaters.
Get started today. Contact your outreach specialist to connect your customers with an expert or to get questions answered.
* Idaho Incentives Utah Incentives, p9 Wyoming Incentives, p16